Miscellaneous Titles

Anchors In Troubled Waters by Batsell Barrett Baxter, Harold Hazelip, and Joe R. Barnett. This book is aptly subtitled, "How to Survive the Crises in Your Life." Written by three authors, two of whom are professors of Bible/religion and the other a pastor, this book covers the waterfront of many of the troubles that confront us in life including depression, stress, hostility, etc. The book also deals with loneliness, the fractured family, and divorce. These chapters show how distraught Christians can stay afloat above troubled waters.
    This book is a 1981 release from Baker Book House. It sold for $3.95 (pb). 
The Child Custody Book: How to Protect Your Child and Win Your Case by James W. Stewart, J.D. This book, written by a retired judge, is a practical laymen's guide showing how custody decisions are made in our courts and what can be expected at each stage of the process. It is packed with tips on how to avoid costly mistakes and offers helpful do's and don'ts for how to conduct yourself during a custody evaluation. In short, it gives suggestions on how the reader can present his/her case for custody in the best possible light

     Some of the 13 chapter titles include: How Custody Decisions are Made, How to conduct yourself During the Custody Evaluation, The Role of Attorneys, Protecting Your Child, Child Abuse and False Accusations, Gender Bias in the Courts, Parental Alienation, Child Support, and Attorney Fees.
     From Impact Publishers (800-246-7228) in 2000, this 174-page book sells for $16.95 (trade cover).
Creative Loneliness by William E. Hulme. The author answers many questions about loneliness and tells you how to face the issue head-on. The book offers practical guidelines to help you work through your lonely hours. It says, "By turning to God, caring for others, and appreciating the world around you, you can make your time alone productive and fulfilling."

    From Augsburg Publishing in 1977, this book sold for $3.25 (pb). 
Cruising Solo: The Single Traveler's Guide to Adventure on the High Seas by Sally J. Maisel. This book is an indispensable guide to both first time cruisers as well as veterans of the high seas. It is a handy reference that gives vital information and policies for the solo traveler on major cruise lines as well as the smaller, lesser-known alternative ships.

    The book is divided into two parts. Part One, The Adventure, discusses choosing the right cruise line for your trip, knowing your options as a single person, considering alterative cruising, packing and preparing, your first day, turning a "sea of strangers into a pool of friends," enhancing your dining experiences and shipboard activities, cruise terminology and turning lemons into lemon drops. It also gives advice on going ashore, special events, romance, tipping, and saying goodbye. In the second part, The Cruise Lines, the author provides a wealth of information on dozens of specific cruise ships and their policies regarding solo travelers.
    From Marin Publications (4 Highland Ave., San Raphael, CA 94901), this book 302-page book was published in 1993 and sold for $14.95 (trade).
Every Single Cent by Larry Burkett with Brenda Armstrong.  This workbook helps single adults understand the basics on biblical stewardship of talents and resources. The book addresses the goal of living within your means, avoiding dangers like debt and impulse buying, determining monthly income and expenses, finding budget areas, and having discipline and accountability.
    Some of the nine chapter titles are: Short-Range Planning, Long-Range Planning, Budget Problems, Budget Analysis, and The Control System. The book contains lots of helpful charts to bodgeting examples and a section of forms to be used in the budgeting process.
    Published in 2001 by Crown Financial Ministries (Gainsville, GA) this workbook contains 55 pages of text plus about 60 pages of forms. It sells for $13.99 (trade cover). 
Healing the Pain of Everyday Loss by Ira Tanner. This book offers hope for those who find that every day losses (of a friend, of health, of a job, of a spouse through divorce or separation, etc.)--major or minor--can be as devastating to peace of mind as a loss through death. As Tanner says, "The same grief and healing cycle experienced with loss through death is necessary to deal with other losses..."

    Tanner offers anecdotes, definitions, guidelines, and good old-fashioned common sense about turning unavoidable, uncontrollable losses into positive growth experiences. He explains the ten categories of personal loss in everyday life and the stages and feelings common to all of them. He describes the process of healing in detail.
    From Winston Press, this was a 1980 release and sold for $4.95 (pb). 
How to Find the Right Divorce Lawyer by Robin Page West. The author, herself a lawyer, went through four lawyers during her long and painful divorce and custody battle for her children. She writes this book to provide a road map for finding an effective lawyer and then helps you to monitor his or her performance and fees.

    The book includes information on how the legal system operates in divorce and custody cases, qualities to look for in a divorce lawyer, understanding your lawyer's financial terms, communicating effectively with your lawyer, common mistakes that clients make, when and how to fire a lawyer. The book also contains a valuable set of appendices ranging from sample letters to write to your lawyer, relevant legal web sites, a list of state bar associations and a glossary of legal terms.
    This 223-page book was published in 1997 by NIC/Contemporary Books (Lincolnwood, IL) and sold for $14.95 (trade cover).

How to Grow Up When You're Grown Up by Nancy O'Connor. The author, a clinical psychologist, writes this book out of her own personal and professional experiences. Simply put, it is a book that helps one achieve balance in adulthood. It also helps the reader to identify personal problem areas that inhibit personal growth and offers specific solutions that facilitate growing up. It shows the reader ways to handle change crises and how to turn these changes into fulfilling growth experiences.
     The 19 chapters are divided into six parts, four of which deal with helping us grow in the four main ways: physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. In each of these four parts, the author devotes a chapter in each to explaining what it means to be grown up that particular way, some issues of that type growth, and some techniques for bring about that growth.
     Published in 1994 by La Mariposa Press (Box 13221, Tucson, AZ 85732, 602-326-9292), this 300-page book sold for $14.95 (trade).

Leaving Home by Herbert Anderson & Kenneth R. Mitchell. This book, part of he Family Living in Pastoral Perspective series, helps families to know that leaving home is a significant part of forming an individual identity and a natural aspect of maturing. this book helps clarify what is at stake in the complex, ordinary process of leaving home.
    The six chapter titles are: Starting from Home, Forming a Self and Leaving Home, Ways of Leaving Home, Letting Go, Helping Children Leave Home/Helping Families Let Go, and Leaving Home as a Religious Act.
    From Westminster/John Knox Press, this 160-page book was published in 1993 and sold for $12.99 (trade). 
Loneliness by Tom Varney. In this book the author takes a close look at loneliness. He says that it is a common struggle among people, and that it surfaces regularly in his counseling practice as well as in his own life. It is our number one problem and even affects those in the Christian community who have lots of friends

    In this little booklet of 63 pages, you'll learn how to meaningfully reflect on and respond to the familiar life experience of loneliness. The four chapters are entitled: Facing the Reality of Loneliness, Responding to Loneliness, Learning from Loneliness, and Helping Others in their Loneliness.
    The author actually created this booklet to be used as a discussion guide in groups of four to twelve people. Each chapter (or session, as he calls it) is filled with discussion questions, Scripture references, things to think about, and a prayer focus. There is also a section in the back of the book which offers additional helps for leaders as they guide their people through each session.
    From NavPress in 1992, this booklet sold for $5.00 (trade). 
Loneliness: The Search for Intimacy by Craig W. Ellison. This is a helpful and insightful book for those who suffer from loneliness as well as those who counsel with them. It deals with the source of the problem, offers step-by-step coping procedures, and points out practical applications from the Christian perspective.

    Published in 1980 by Christian Herald Books, it sold for $8.95 (hard). 
Overcoming Loneliness by David Jeremiah. The author says that "loneliness may well be the disease of our time." He points out several positive methods for handling this disease of the soul. His practical and insightful study questions will help people overcome their loneliness and help others overcome theirs.

    While only one of the ten chapters directly deals with singles, may other chapters offer practical help for everyone. Some of the chapter titles include: Lonely Saints, Lonely Singles, Lonely Seniors, Lonely Servants, Lonely Sufferers, Lonely Survivors, The Lonely Savior, and Loneliness in the Bible.
    This revised edition of 168 pages was published by Thomas Nelson Publishers in 1991 and sold for $8.95 (trade).
The Relationship Code by Darin Hufford. It is the author's contention that relationships are the "playing field of life."As such we either honor or defame God through them. There is nothing in life more important than our relationships. This book is for both singles as well as marrieds inasmuch as it a guide to personal growth and deeper relationships with those around us. And there actually is a code in the book; find it.

      The 14 chapter titles are: Can You Handle the Truth?, The Relationship Idol, The Heart of Marriage, The Trinity of Marriage, The Spirit of Sex, Man in the Image of Christ, The Flirtatious Woman, The Attack on Women, Struggle of Homosexuality, A Man's Relationships, Relationship with Money, Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, and The Relationship Code.
     Published in 1999 by MasterPress Publications (Phoenix, 602-222-8655), this 206-page book sells for $15.95 (trade cover).

Setting Love in Order Setting Love in Order by Mario Bergner. This is a powerful account of how the author was healed from homosexuality, largely through his faith. His story reveals the power of the cross and also a psychological understanding of some of the major problems and crises which he faced. His great journey of healing started when he decided "to set love in order." 

     The eight chapter titles are: Choose!, Coming Out of Denial, Disordered Love, Setting Love in Order, Christ in Us, Loving the Same Sex, The Hatred of Women, and Loving the Other Sex.

     Published in 1995 by Hamewith/div. of Baker Book House, this 208-page book sold for $11.99 (trade).

The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement by Jan Cullinane. The author states that, as a single women, "there's an 80 to 90 percent chance that you'll be making all decisions, financial and otherwise, at some point." And when that time comes, you need this book! As an expert on retirement, the author covers the waterfront on every conceivable issue that you might someday face as a single woman such as dating, divorce, death of a spouse, relocation, health, volunteering, working, care-giving and money. The book contains worksheets, actual stories, the latest research on pertinent subjects, advice from the experts and so much more. All retired single women will find this book to be an invaluable resource on so many topics
    The eight chapter titles are: Retirement and the Single Woman; Deciding What to Do with 168 Hours a Week; Working in Retirement: An Oxymoron?; Fitness in Body, Mind, and Spirit; Where is Your Heart? Exploring Options for Living; A Place to Call Home: What Are Your Choices; Divorce, Death, Dating, Dependency and Deepening Connections; and Dollars and Sense.
    Published in 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (Hoboken, NJ), this 307-page trade cover book sold for $18.95 (USA)/$22.95 CAN

Through the Wilderness of Loneliness by Tim Hansel. Though this book does not specifically deal with singles, we mention it because singles suffer from loneliness more frequently than marrieds. In it the author offers comfort and inspiration to those who struggle with feelings of isolation. He shows how to replace despair with understanding, maturity, and spiritual growth and offers help in locating God and establishing a far greater confidence in oneself and one's ability to cope with any problem.
    Some of the 12 chapter titles include: Why the Wilderness, The Pain of Loneliness, Images and Emptiness, Where is God?, Letting Go, A Guide for the Journey, and The Gift of Solitude.
    From David C. Cook in 1991, this 168-page book sold for $8.99 (trade). 
Up From the Ashes by Karl Slaikeu and Steve Lawhead. This book is a methodical tool to help people handle the stress of divorce, unemployment, the death of a loved one, a financial setback, a traumatic injury or serious illness, etc. The authors demonstrate that a crisis does not have to end in total loss; it can mark the beginning of a new, more satisfying life. They suggest ways to correct potentially destructive behavior and move on to a more productive life.

    Some of the 12 chapter titles include: Taking Care of Your Body, Change Your Mind, Adjusting Your Behavior, and Managing Painful Feelings.
    This 236 page book was published by Zondervan in 1987 and sold for $7.95 (trade). 
What A Question by Daniel R. Murray. This is a book filled with questions that can be used as conversation starters. In fact, there are 325 such questions that can either be used by individuals in a private conversation or as discussion starters in a group. There are no answers in this book, only questions...soul-searching and fun-smacking questions. Some are deeply personal, others light and fun; all designed to stimulate meaningful conversation and allow for indepth discovery.

    The smorgasbord of questions is divided into four parts: It's a Wonderful Life, Just for Fun, Guys and Dolls, and The Rational Inquirer. There are thought-provoking questions, funny questions, tantalizing questions. They deal with most every aspect of life including questions about the opposite sex, marriage, the workaday world, the past and the future. Some examples are: You walk into a bookstore to browse for a new book, which section do you go to first? What goal in life would you pursue if you were guaranteed you couldn't fail? If you could change just one quality or behavior of the opposite, what would it be?
    The 221-page book is a 1989 release from New Voyage Books (415 Route 18, Suite 234, E. Brunswick, NJ 08816). It sold for $7.95 (trade). 
When SomeOne You Know is Hurting by M. Gregory Richards. This is a complete and compassionate guide to helping those confronted by personal crises of family and friends--death, divorce, disease, etc. The author, an Episcopal pastor, shows us what to do, what to say, and most of all, how to stand by our hurting friends in their times of crisis.

    The 15 chapters are divided into three parts: Becoming More Responsive to Those You Care About, Developing Tools of Caring, and Responding to Crisis and Loss. This last part deals with death, illness, aging, finanical crisis, divorce, addictions, , etc. The Appendix lists 35 organizations that deal with major kinds of crisis and loss situations that can be contacted for further help.
    Published in 1994 by Zondervan/Harper, this 238-page books sold for $5.99 (mass market).

When Your Ex Won't Pay by Nancy S. Palmer & Ana Tangel-Rodriguez. This book, written by two lawyers, is for custodial parents who are not receiving their court-ordered child support as well as for anyone wanting to know about child-support laws. The book informs parents of their options, teaches them to present their case, and arms them with the facts before they schedule a visit with a lawyer or social services agency. The book helps you understand what the law does and does not offer them, what state and federal guidelines are, and what they can realistically expect from a child-support judgement. It is packed with information, worksheets, and resources and is an easy-to-use tool that will help custodial parents get their children what the law says is rightfully theirs.
    Published in 1995 by Pinon Press (800-366-7788), this 174-page book sells for $12.00 (trade).

Why Be Lonely? by W. Leslie Carter, Paul D. Meier and Frank B. Minirth. In this book the authors, Christian counselors and psychiatrists, analyze loneliness and give some positive guidelines for overcoming loneliness. They have attempted to outline not only the obvious symptoms, but also the subtle ones so the reader can answer some of the related questions such as "Why do I feel lonely? What can I do about it? Is attaining emotional intimacy worth the effort?" The subtitle to the book is "A Guide to Meaningful Relationships." Not only is it an excellent self-help book but counselors can use it as a sourcebook for alleviating the loneliness felt by many counselees.
    From Baker Book House in 1982, this book sold for $5.95 (pb). 
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