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    A Circle of Love
      by Jerry Tinsley, Phoenix, AZ



   honesty                                              caring


     understanding                                                                 appreciation


  companionship                                                                    intimacy


     cherishing                                           commitment 



Do You Love ME More Than These?

I'd love to have a family
And a place to call my own
I'd love to travel to beautiful places
To have all of the earth to roam
I'd love to have all the comforts of life
And to do whatever I please
Until I hear the Savior ask
"Do you love ME more than these?"

I'd love for sunshine to fill the sky each day
To show the beauty of flowers and trees
I'd love for the wind to constantly blow
A peaceful and gentle breeze
I'd love to live a life that has with it
Fulfilled dreams and guarantees
Until I hear the Savior ask
"Do you love ME more than these?"

I'd love to live free of emotional hurt
That tears my heart in two
I'd love for my life to be absent from cares
And have no consequence for what I do
I'd love to be free of any ailments
Any pain and every disease
Until I hear the Savior ask
"Do you love ME more than these?"

I'd love to always look young and pretty
To be a person that others admire
I'd love to be considered a success by all
And to have everything that I desire
I'd love to always have things go my way
And to live in perfect calm and ease
Until I hear the Savior ask
"Do you love ME more than these?"

God, I place these desires at Your feet
Please forgive my selfish plea
Life is not about what I want
But what You want for me
With a heart that’s broken and contrite
And convicted to fall on my knees
To tell you truly, “Dear Lord of my life
Yes, I love YOU more than these.” †

By Crystal Godfrey, founder of Undivided Heart Ministries, a single adult ministry. 
Copyright by Crystal C. Godfrey, 2001.          

Jesus is always with me.

In the morning when I wake, His sun shines to greet me.
Through the day He is here.
From the rain that refreshes and brings life, to the fog that cools,
and wraps the gentle works of His hands like a present.

When his sun sets He is with me with the colors of the sky.
He creates His work.
Slowly, carefully never rushed.
Until the crescendo comes, and the canvas begins to slowly fade.
But even then, Jesus is with me.
I look up to the lights, each one unique with its own distinct touch from the Master.
When I look up and see nothing, Jesus sends a gentle breeze to remind me.

He has not forgotten.

Written by Chris Hearn, San, Diego, CA

Seven years to soon, and seven years to late,
Sometimes in God's plan, even Jacob has to wait.
But waiting isn't pleasant, it wasn't meant to be,
But it always brings a present, God's teaching you to see.
Sometimes we're just too early, but He is never late,
His time is always perfect, all He asks is that you wait
It may be He is changing you, and working in your heart,
Or working in another way, to bring the better part.
So let Him work and bide your time, 'till you can see His plan,
And looking back in peace sublime, you see He held you by the hand
Seven years to soon and seven years too late,
Sometimes in His plan, He may ask you to wait
Copyright by Clarence J. Ferrell, Canyon County, CA

Seeds of Love
Sew a seed of love
Cover it with prayer
Trusting God alone
To bring forth the rain.

Sew a seed of love
Cover it with prayer
Trusting God alone
To harvest the faith.
We must be willing to be a living sacrifice
For anyone who is in need
Willing to carry, the cross of Jesus Christ
And sew His eternal seed.
Song lyrics by Kelley J. Coppage, Vero Beach, FL
Copyright June, 1997

A Lesson in Deception
He sits alone in darkness, the night his only friend
He's waiting for a promise the night will never send
He's drowned in dark deception that day and night can blend
But he suffers in perception.That's a wound hard to mend
He calls his black heart master,a being clothed in white,
Who offers but disaster that starts with sweet delight
That's the nature of deception, a bomd wrapped in gold
Pleasures neverlasting, you find your freedom sold
He reaches to touch his master. As he does his fingers burn
It's more than he can handle, the lesson to late learned
Written by Jack Vincent Farmer, Fort Worth, TX

I see life as a puzzle --
A puzzle is made up of both bright and dark pieces.
All the pieces are necessary to complete the picture.
"In everything give thanks, for that is God's will in Christ Jesus."
Lord, complete my picture . . .
Let it be a reflection of Your life, love and victory.
I welcome both the bright and dark pieces.
And, Lord . . .
Copyright April, 1990 by Jann Rosen, Winter Park, FL

Whose face is this I see looking back at me?
Is it one I've seen before long ago--yes, once in a store?
She reminds me of someone I know--
Who is this person whose face I see looking at me.
It looks tired and old--yet it reminds me of someone I know!
I can recall the last time I saw her and of the place where she was.
Oh yes, now I know, it is my mother's face,as she told me one day it would be so.
"By Sandra Isham, Kingston, TN, a daughter and mother, and occasional
writer. Copyright by Sandra Isham, 1997. All Rights Reserved"

It is only when we admit our fragile sides that people then know that we are a lot like they are. It is the weak, human side of a hero that endears him to us.
DiAnne Arnette, Fort Worth, Texas

Be Content

Be content
Rejoice with the bridegroom
fight bitterness
Love purely. Never give up.
See the face of God.
He has a plan.
Rest in Him. Never sleep.
Lean on Him. Never fall.
SEEK ye first.
He has a plan.
Trust Him
My God shall supply all my needs
My God is faithful and able
Live for the now
Chris Conti, Indianapolis, Indiana

Refrigerator Psychology

Live right now! The past is gone, except in your minds instant replay.
The future is incomplete fantasy.
Hugs are more valuable than money!
You & you alone have the great privilege of leading your own life.
Everyone else leads theirs. Living any part of another's life can't be done.
Accept yourself just as you are, others as they are.
Trying to make others into what they're not can waste a lot of your energy.
Embrace the best in yourself & in others. The world outside is no different than it was.
However, you feel & act a whole lot better about it.
George H. Langworthy, Sr.,Mission, Kansas, Copyright 1984

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