
50 Ways to Love Your Leaver by Dwight Webb. This book represents the author's own personal journey following the breakup of his own marriage. His thoughts are a kind of a "road map" of the grieving process for others traveling the same path. He helps you discover your own personal way of grieving, learn to express yourself in healthy, productive ways, and avoid the blame and bitterness that can seriously affect your physical, social, psychological, spiritual and sexual life.
     Some of the 15 chapter titles include Grieving Your Lost Love, Going Inside, Intimacy & Loss, Moving Beyond Anger, Purging the Ghosts, The Magic of Optimism, Roadmap for Healing, Sources of Strength and Taking Action. Many of the chapters contain graphs, charts and exercises to help you understand and work through your grief.
     From the Rebuilding Series at Impact Publishers (Atascadero, CA 800-246-7228) in 2000, this 155-page book sells for $14.95 (trade).    
A Decembered Grief: Living with Loss while Others are Celebrating by Harold Ivan Smith. This is a book is a collection of two- page devotional thoughts directed at those who have lost loved ones during the holiday season. It is the author's purpose that the various quotes, prayers, scriptures and comments will encourage the griever to allow God to transform the sad season into a time of grace and healing. Smith says this is done "through moments, through songs, through scents, through people, through memories, through hopes."

    Some of the 55 devotional titles include the following: Anticipate the Holidays, Ask Your Church for Help, Carolize Your Season, Celebrate Sensitively, Create New Traditions, Cry If You Want To, Guard Your Heart, Invite God's Help, Network with Other Grievers, Say Your Loved One's Name, Unplug the Christmas Mania, and How to Pray This Holiday Season.
    From Beacon Hill Press (Kansas City) in 1999, this 134-page book sold for $11.99 (trade cover).
A Tearful Celebration by James E. Means. This is the story of how a widowed man's grief-born doubts and isolation leads to a toughened faith. Author James E. Means, as associate professor at Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary, was unable at first to understand why he lost his wife through death, but he was soon astonished at what God was teaching him in the darkness.
     This book is for those mourning as well as for the rest of us as it provides welcome preparation for keeping your eyes on God whenever the lonely journey comes. A few of the chapter titles are: Has God Failed Me?, Shall I Blame God?, Why Must I Hurt?, How Shall I Handle Grief?, How Does a Christian Face Death?, and What Does the Future Hold?
     This 109 page book is a 1985 release from Multnomah Press and sold for $5.95 (trade). 
Afterloss by Barbara Hills LesStrang. This book is a good recovery companion for those who are grieving over the loss of a relative or friend. It was written out of the author's own struggle with grief, that of losing her mother through death. She not only shares her own story but also that of others who forged a path through loss and despair to full recovery and new life. The book show you how to work through your grief and how to communicate your needs to others so they can better understand and help as you move through grief to recovery.

     The 31 chapters are divided into three major sections: Prayer for Recovery, Decisions for Recovery, and Reaching for Recover. The middle section contains 21 chapters or stories of different people who talk about their particular loss. These stories cover losses due to suicide, a terrorist bomb, cancer, heart attack, crib death, AIDS, plane crash, murder, divorce, work-related accident, and an automobile wreck. Each story offers encouragement and practical suggestions. The book concludes with the Afterloss Credo which consists of 11 statements that one makes and affirms to oneself on the road to recovery.
     From Thomas Nelson Publishers in 1992, this 230-page book sold for $14.99 (hardcover). 
After the Locusts by Jan Coleman. In short this book is about "restoring ruined dreams, reclaiming wasted years." The book is for any woman who has experienced the pain and loss of a ruined dream, whether it be a failed marriage, death of a loved one, financial ruin or another calamity. When this happens it often feels like there has been a swarm of locusts invading their lives, turning day into night and bringing wasted years. But the author assures women who face loss that this is an opportunity to depend on God and be restored to wholeness. Her lessons come from the Book of Joel coupled with powerful stories of ordinary women who found renewed meaning for their lives after the locusts paid an unwelcome visit.
    Some of the 17 chapter titles include: The Big Bug Blitz, Just How Long Is This Dry Spell?, Detour through the Desert, Bloom Again, Wash Your Hands and Throw in the Towel, One Stitch at a Time, A Clean Sweep, Great Expectations, Closing Ranks, Hitched to the Plow with God, Bringing in the Sheaves, and Faith into Fact.
    From Broadman & Holman (Nashville, TN) in 2002, this 179-page book sells for $10.99 (trade).
After Weeping a Song by Velma Darbo Brown. The author's theme is that weeping--the grief process--is necessary in dealing with the loss of a mate, but a song--the decision to live again in spite of the loss--is also necessary.

     In this book Brown has shared the experiences of her late husband, H. C. Brown, Jr., reacting to the death of his first wife through the early, intermediate, and later stages of grief. Velma Brown has shared her own experiences reacting to the death of H. C. through these same stages of grief. She gives attention to the spiritual resources used by both: prayer, the Bible, worship, the Christian community, and Christian service.
     From Broadman Press in 1980, this book sold for $5.95. 
Beginning Again by Terry Hershey. Losing someone through death or divorce can break one's heart and spirit. The author's advice on surviving heartbreak gives freedom from the past and hope and encouragement for the future. His recovery steps include: realizing your self-worth and happiness do not depend on another person or events, controlling your thoughts and emotions, getting out of the "self-pity closet," ceasing to focus on the person who is gone, and understanding that aloneness is a "gift from God."

     Hershey's 13 chapters include: Crazy Time, Beginning with Honesty, Who Owns You, Relating to the Ex-Spouse, Remarriage, and Beginning Again. There is also a section at the end which gives discussion questions on each chapter.
     Published by Thomas Nelson in 1986, this 174-page book sold for $7.95 (trade). 
Beginnings: A Book for Widows by Betty Jane Wylie. Out of her own experience of losing a husband through death, the author writes this book which is a survival manual for widows. Her main theme is that "a widow need not and indeed must not herself be forever mired in sorrow."

     In this book, Betty Jane strips away the stereotypes surrounding widows and suggests what people at a loss for words can (and should not) say to widows. She shares how she managed to survive the crisis of her husband's sudden death and offers direct advice on how to cope when life seems at its bleakest. She offers support and comfort while explaining many crucial--and too frequently ignored--issues such as the mourning period; what to expect from society; companionship; faith in God; preparing a budget; finding a job; deciding whether or not to move and sell the house; sex; even cooking for one.
     Published by Ballentine Books in 1984, this 160 page book sold for $2.95 (pb). 
The Comforter by Doris Sanford. This little 32 page book has a twofold purpose: to comfort the one who is suffering and to give counsel to the one who would help the sufferer. The author, a widow, knows what would help someone in grief and helps those in pain to see hope at the end of their heartache. She reminds us that healing is a personal journey that is different for each person and for each set of circumstances.

     From Multnomah in 1989, this gift-book sold for $4.95. 
Coping with Life After Your Mate Dies by Donald C. Cushenbery and Rita Crossley Cushenberry. The purpose of this book is to offer a better understanding of how one can cope with the death of their spouse and how to survive in the fullest sense of the word. It not only deals with such emotions as depression and loneliness but also speaks to the issues of dating and remarriage. Selected Bible verses are noted to undergird the authors' points. The book was written out of the actual experiences by these authors and contains numerous case studies of others who have gone through similar experiences.

     Some of the chapter titles are: Living with the Grief, Handling Your Finances, Caring for Your Physical and Emotional Needs, Making Living Arrangements, Moving Ahead with Your New Life, and Contemplating Remarriage.
     From Baker Book House in 1991, this 86 page book sold for $6.95 (trade).
Dreams that Help You Mourn by Lois Hendricks. The author wrote this book for the wide audience of everyone who has lost a loved one through death and everyone who is a caregiver to those dealing with grief. She presents many examples of dreams to demonstrate how they serve a purpose. Dreaming after the death of a loved one is normal, its "the soul's way of mourning," she says.
    The 13 chapters are divided into thee parts: Dreams Shared with Me, Dreams Shared in Literature, and Other Aspects of Dreaming and Mourning.
    This 172-page book was published in 1997 by Resource Publications (1-888-273-7782) and sold for $15.95 (softcover).
Don't Take Away My Grief and Comforting Those Who Grieve Both of these books were written by Doug Manning and both offer guidance on how the bereaved can cope with the loss of a love one and recover from their pain.
     The first book is subtitled "What to Do When You Lose a Loved One" and is mainly for the bereaved person. It deals with some of the important areas as the choice of a minister, family dynamics during stressful times, and personalizing the funeral service. It also helps the reader face up to grief, find some answers to the great "Why?" question, and learn to live again.
     The second one is subtitled "A Guide for Helping Others" and is primarily for the pastor or counselor. It offers practical and caring ways to help those in mourning. He discusses the importance of the funeral, explains the grieving process, and outlines how friends can help.
    Both are from Harper & Row and were published in 1984 and 1985 respectively. The first one contains 129 pages, the second 71. Each sold for $6.95 (trade). 
Early Widow by Mary Jane Worden. As the subtitle suggests this is "A Journal of the First Year." The author's husband was killed by a drunk driver on a rainy night. But from the beginning of this tragedy, she decides not to be a victim of her fate but to take hold of life. Depending on God to pull her through, she faces her grief deliberately, all the while coping with her children's tears as well. Not all of her questions are answered and not all her sorrow forgotten. But she does move from confusion to strength and from dependence to independence. Her journey and journal will comfort those who experience loss and inspire all to a renewed faith.

     Published in 1989 by InterVarsity Press, this 189 page book sold for $14.95 (hard).

From One Widow to Another by Miriam Neff. Written by a widow after 41 years of marriage, the author offers insights into the various emotions, stages and relationships that the widow will encounter on the way to wholeness again. The book will help any widow to navigate the mine fields of vulnerability and depression to discover the comfort that God and His Scripture offers. The book contains many practical suggestions to help the widowed peerson not only cope with the reality of losing a spouse to death but of how to deal with the aftermath of so many issues ranging from legal matters to the changing relationships of family and friends.
    Some of the topics dealt with include emotions, fear, money, giving and receiving comfort and friends and family. Additional topics include finding yourself, your mission and a new faith. The various appendices deal wth children issues, starting a widows group, tips for widows and financial helps.
    From Moody Publishers (Chicago) in 2009, this book of 218 pages sold for $13.99 (trade).

Getting to the Other Side of Grief by Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge, Ed.D, and Robert C. De Vries. D.Min. & Ph.D. This book is aptly subtitled, Overcoming the Loss of a Spouse. Both authors, one a clinical psychologist and the other a pastor/professor, share their own personal experiences having suffered the loss of a spouse at a relatively young age. Their empathy, valuable psychological insights, biblical observations, and male and female perspectives will help you experience grief in the healthiest, most complete way so you can move forward to embrace the new life waiting for you.

     The nine chapter titles are: Why Grieve?, How Do You Grieve?, What is the Grief Process?, How Can You Take Charge of Your Grief?, How Can You Proceed in Your Grief?, How Does Gender Affect Your Grief?, How Can You Be a Grieving Parent?, What about Financial and Employment Issues? and What Is the Other Side of Grief?.
    This 122-page book was published in 1998 by Baker Book House and sells for $12.99 (trade).
Grief Adjustment Guide by Charlotte A. Greeson, Mary Hollingsworth, and Michael Washburn. This book offers professional advice as well as practical pointers on how to deal with grief and to adjust to a new life. It provides plenty of space for recording important information and to keep track of the innumerable details that must be handled following a death in the family. It also provides a place for recording one's happy memories and feelings of loss.

     The 16 chapters deal with such issues as planning the funeral service, beginning again, recording your progress, getting organized to survive, finding supportive relationships, helping children with their grief process, legal planning, settling the estate, household planning, and emotional and financial planning.
     From Questar Publishing in 1990, this 255-page workbook sold for $15.95 (trade).
Grief and Sexuality: Life after Losing a Spouse by Rachel Nafziger Hartzler. The author, now a pastor in the Mennonite tradition, says in the Preface, “This book traces issues faced by people following spousal death.” The focus of the book “is on how to live well in spite of the challenges, difficulties, and crises along the way and how to grow through unpleasant, undesirable life experiences.”
    The five chapter titles are: Loss and Suffering, Lament: Responding to Loss and Suffering, Learning and Transformation, Living Well Beyond the Crises, and Implications for Pastoral Care. In these chapters the author incorporates various demographic studies, Scripture passages and the results of personal questionnaires to offer a comprehensive study into the different layers of losing a spouse. The final chapter offers valuable insights into how to minister to widowed persons.
    From Herald Press (
Scottsdale, PA
) in 2006, this 243-page book sold for $14.95 (trade cover). 
I Tell You a Mystery by Johann Christoph Arnold. This is a valuable book for those families grieving over the death of a loved one or for members of the care-giving community who offer counseling and comfort in times of death. The book is filled with actual stories of pain, and death, and faith of people in the Bruderhof communities. It paints a compelling picture of the power and presence of community, and the endurance of faith in the face of terror, anguish, and loss. While the book is about dying, it is really about living purposefully and fully.
    Some of the 23 chapter titles include: Despair, The Spiritual Battle, When a Baby Dies, Courage, Love and Death, No One Knows the Hour, Accidents, When Medicine Ends, In God's Hands, Suffering, Faith, Prayer and Healing, Caring, Dying, Grieving, Resurrection, and Fulfillment.
    From Plough Publishing (800-521-8011) in 1996, this 176-page book sold for $12.00 (trade cover).
Instantly a Widow by Ruth Sissom. The author shares her personal story and her most intimate conversations with the Lord so we can see how He is faithful to provide strength and the eventual peace. We learn that we will never stop loving or remembering our loved one, but we can find a way to go on living a productive and fulfilling life.

     Her nine chapters include: Peace in the Midst of Panic, Meanwhile, Where is God?, Healing Memories, Beginning the Long, Uphill Climb, Accepting--Adjusting, I Will Never Leave You, Bringing Good Out of Tragedy, Your Maker Is Your Husband, and The Choice Is Mine.
     This 89-page book was published in 1990 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. and sold for $6.95 (trade).
Life After Loss by Bob Diets. In short this book is a positive, personal guide for dealing with death, divorce, job change and relocation. In it the author, a United Methodist minister, gives practical advice on what you can expect in the future, how to deal with the holidays, anniversaries and family events; how to cope, let go and set new goals; and, how to deal with anger, fear, guilt, confusion, stress, emotional highs and lows, and depression.
     Of the 16 chapters, some of the titles are: Loss and the Mourning After, Four Key Facts about Grief, Use and Abuse of Religion, Choosing to Live Again, and Opening New Doors. In addition, there are three value appendices dealing with: Words that Describe Feelings, Role of Nutrition in Grief Recovery, and Forming a Support Group.
     From Fisher Books in 1988, this 226 page book sold for $7.95 (trade).

Letting Go with Love: The Grieving Process by Nancy O'Connor. Psychologist/author O'Connor offers a resource for those in the midst of grief, for those anticipating a death, and for those emotionally trapped by unresolved grief that may have lingered for years.
      In this 187-page book she shares her stories of those she has counseled in grief and her own personal experiences with loss. Her book extends the research of Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross by including chapters that focus on each type of loss: death of parents, children, spouse, friends, suicides, death of the self, and public figures.
      A comforting tone assures the reader that every type of loss can be survived, as the process of grieving helps the spirit heal. It offers personal sensitivity to each reader in the unique, painful struggle with loss.
      Published in 1984 (revised in 1992) by La Mariposa Press (Box 13221, Tucson, AZ 85732, 520-326-9292), this book sold for $12.95 (trade).
Living with Dying by Glen W. Davidson. This revised and expanded edition includes helps for coping with AIDS and guidance for single-parent families. It was written to help relatives and friends of seriously ill patients to help them understand the emotional needs of their loved one and respect their own feelings as well. It helps answer such questions as "What should I do?" "What is expected of me?" and "Should I be feeling this way?"
     The six chapters deal with death and loss, change, conflicts, suffering, and triumph.
     From Augsburg in 1975, this 111 page book sold for $5.95 (trade). A study guide is included to help the reader in either a private study or a group setting. 
Meditations for the Widowed and Meditations for the Divorced by Judy Osgood (editor). These two books are compilations of meditations that have been edited by Judy Osgood. The format is basically the same for these books, namely an opening quote, a one-page meditation, and a closing one line prayer. Both books contain about 50 one-page meditations from people in all walks of life who have been through and experienced that particular pain--divorce or death of a spouse. They share anger, their despair, their agony...but they also share their insights and discoveries that have enabled them to rebuild their lives and find joy in living again.

     In addition to the two books above, Osgood has also compiled a similar book of meditations for bereaved parents. All these books should be helpful reading to persons struggling with these pains.
     The three above books were published in 1987, 1985, and 1983 respectively by Gilgal Publications, Box 3386, Sunriver, OR 97707. Each one sold for $5.95 (trade). 
Mending by Dorothy Hsu, is a collection of thoughts of the pain and healing of a widow's first year. She describes her journey through grief...a walk without her husband but with the Lord. The first intense hours...her slow, insecure steps forward...and then spiritual growth that enables her to walk confidently, "knowing that he is just ahead, behind, and beside." It is about the questions she asked and the answers she found...of a faith that helped her accept a new life...without fear...without shame....or bitterness.

     Published by David C. Cook in 1979, it sold for $1.95 (pb). 
The Mourning After: How to Manage Grief Wisely by Stanley Cornils. The pastor-author writes this book to help those who have experienced loss due to death but he says that the same techniques can be used to help in other situations of losses. The purpose of the book is to help you understand what is happening to you, why you feel the way you do, and why you sometimes might be tempted to believe that you are losing your mind.

     Some of the 18 chapter titles include: There Is Help for Your Grief, We Must Face It, Grief Is an Emotion, The Work of Mourning, The Manifestations of Grief, Expression or Suppression, Tears and Talk, Emancipation, Readjustment, Guilt Feelings, Abnormal Grief, Religion and Grief, and The Pathway through Grief.
     Published by R & E Publishers (468 Auzerais Ave. Suite A, San Jose, CA 95126, 408-977-0691) in 1990, this 91-page book sold for $6.95 (trade).

The Path of Loneliness by Elisabeth Elliot. As the subtitle says, this book is about “Finding your way through the wilderness to God.” This wife who has lost two husbands, one murdered as a missionary and the other taken by cancer, gives hope to the lonely thorugh tender reflections on God’s love for us and His plans to bless us. Through honesty and compassion, she tackles this difficult topic with grace and fith, showing you how to make peace with loneliness, however it has come, and how to grow through it.
Some of the 26 chapter titles include: The Gift of Widowhood, Death is a New Beginning, Married but Alone, A Share in Christ’s Sufferings, A Strange Peace, Turn Your Solitude into Prayer, Spiritual Maturity Means Spiritual Parenthood and A Gate of Hope.   
    Originally published in 1998, this updated version of 196 pages was published in 2007 by Revell (Grand Rapids, MI
) and sells for $12.99 (trade cover).

Recovery from Loss by Lewis Tagliaferre and Gary L. Harburgh. This book was written by two men: one who has experienced the death of his wife after 31 years of marriage, and the other, a seminary professor, who brings his clinical experience to the work. Their combined insights help to understand the grieving person as a whole person who has a unique personality and personal values that will affect how grief is resolved. It offers something new in showing how different persons deal with grief and it offers a message of hope and possibility.

     The nine chapter titles are: 20 Steps of Grief, Acknowledge, Feel, Substitute, Detach, Reconstruct, Personalities and Grief, Creating New Relationships, and Loss and Dysfunctional Families.
     Published in 1990 by Health Communications, Inc. (Deerfield Beach, FL), this 191 page book sold for $9.95 (trade). 
Recovering from the Losses of Life by H. Norman Wright. In this book the author shows how to respond to life's inevitable losses in a positive manner by offering insightful keys from the Bible and his own experiences. He offers help on how to take charge of loss, face problems in grief and recovery, and adapt to the new roles that come with change. This book will help a person make all the necessary transitions for moving through a season of loss to a season of tremendous spiritual growth.

     Published in 1993 (revision of 1991 edition) Fleming H. Revell Company, this 220-page book sold for $9.99 (hard). 
She Never Said Good-Bye by Robert Dykstra. As the subtitle says, this book is about "One man's journey through loss." It clearly and grippingly reflects the range of strong emotions, questions, and wrestlings the author experienced following his wife's sudden suicide. While its central focus is grief and loss, it also explores husband/wife relationships, loving and being loved, the humanity of pastors and other mere mortals, and God's infinite mercy and pervasive grace.

     Some of the chapter titles are The Lonely Journey, When All Seems Lost, Wondering Why, Guilt, Anger, Depression, and Resolution.
     From Harold Shaw Publishers in 1989, this 119 page book sold for $7.95 (trade). 
Single Again: Survival Kit for the Divorced and Widowed by Stephen M. Miller (editor). This book is described as a survival kit for those who have been married but are now suddenly single. It is actually a collection of materials and instructions written by popular authors of books for singles. Some of the chapters (with author's names) are: By Death or Divorce (Amy Ross Mumford), Custody of Myself (Jason Towner), I'm So Lonely I Could Die and Rediscovering Happiness (both by Jim Smoke), Dealing With Your Ex and Stepparenting (both by Archibald D. Hart), Sex and the Single Adult and Wrong Reasons for Marriage (both by Harold Ivan Smith) and Financial Survival (Jerry McCant).

     This book, which comes with a leader's guide, is designed for a Sunday school elective to be studied weekly in 45-minute sessions for 13 weeks. It can be adapted to fit evening programs, retreats, camps, etc.
     The kit was published in 1985 by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City. The pupil's book sold for $2.95 (trade) and the leader's guide for $1.95 (trade). 
Starting Over by Joyce J. Tyra. This book is about starting over when marriage ends. Drawing on stories, including her own, of women whose lives have been shattered by divorce or death, the author offers understanding and inspiration. She describes the recovery process and offers hope that even broken lives can be made anew.

     Some of the 15 chapter titles include: Endings: Single Again, And They Lived Happily Ever After Fairy Tale, This Can't Be Happening, Who Said, "Big Girls Don't Cry"? Picking Up the Pieces, Getting Back on Your Feet, Opening New Doors, Second Time Around? and Beginnings: Moving Forward!
     From Herald Press (Scottsdale, PA) in 1992, this 96-page book sold for $5.95 (trade). 
The Toughest Days of Grief by Meg Woodson. This is a general book that deals with overcoming the hurt and grief of losing someone you love whether it be though death or divorce. The author writes out of her experiences in losing both her children as well as her professional experiences as a grief counselor. Through the book she offers compassion and practical advice that can help you make it through the darkest and loneliest of days. She shows you how to cry when you can't, how to deal with your guilt, how to be angry and do no harm, how to live with those who do not grieve your way, how to make up with God, and how to feel safe with the future.

    Her 11 chapters deals with The Special Pain of Special Occasions, Your First Vacation, Sad Days, Lonely Days, and Your First Day back in Church. She also has several chapters devoted to helping you handle specific holidays and other occasions such as your loved one's birthday and death day.
    From Zondervan in 1994, this 188-page book sold for $10.99 (trade).

Traveling through Grief by Susan J. Zonnebelt-Smeenge, Ed.D., and Robert C. De Vries, D.Min., Ph.D. . As the subtitle says, this book is about “Learning to live again after the death of a loved one.”  This book takes the reader on a journey toward life after death, focusing on five common tasks of grief: Accepting the reality of death, embracing all the emotions associated with death, storing memories, separating oneself from the deceased, and reinvesting fully in one’s own life.
Throughout the book the authors use the metaphor of traveling to describe one’s journey through grief. Here are some of their eight chapter titles: Detour Ahead!, No U-Turn on Your Journey, Saying Good-Bye to the Old Road, Setting My Sights on a New Direction, Heading for a Clear Road Ahead, Taking the Children Along on the Grief Journey and The End of the Detour-Making it to the Other Side of Grief. The authors approach the subject both from a mental health as well as a Christian perspective; each chapter has a section of each. The mental health perspective helps the reader to understand the grief process from a clinical view point and the Christian perspective adds comforting thoughts from Scripture to help bring peace and healing.    
    From Baker Books (div. Baker Publishing Group, Grand Rapids, MI) in 2006, this 160-page book sold for $12.99 (trade).

Turning Your World Right Side Up (See under Divorce & Separation) 
Turn Again to Life by Abraham Schmitt. This is a book about how to grow through grief and is written by a Christian theologian who has been called "the death therapist" because of his concentration in this area.

     The author's three-fold purpose is: 1. to help people begin to contemplate losses before they occur, 2. to help those struggling with a loss that they may find direction for coping in a more productive way, and 3. to help readers to gain courage and insight to reach out to those around them who are coping with grief. The central message is that grieving persons need friends more than ever before.
     The first two chapters deal with the excruciating loss through teenage suicide. Chapter three describes the phases of the grief process. Chapter four describes a woman turned to life after she assumed she was dying; chapter five shows how we need to choose repeatedly to collide with death in order to live. Additional chapter titles include: Helping Children Express Grief, Unhealthy Dying and Unhealthy Grieving, A Battered Heart Finds Courage, Let God Do the Healing, and Turn Again to Life.
     This 133 page book was published in 1987 by Herald Press for $8.95 (trade). 
What Becomes of the Broken Hearted by Michelle McKinney Hammond. As the subtitle says, this book is about "The Path toward Healing and Hope" for those who have been wounded by a betrayal, a deep disappointment or a failed relationship. The author, speaking out of her own experiences, advises the brokenhearted that its time to start the process of healing and that can be done by letting God bring you back to life.
    Some of her ten chapter titles include, Ouch!, Hell Hath No Fury, Coming Clean, Balloons in the Wind, Rebuilding the Temple, The Woman in the Mirror, Embracing the Altar and Facing Tomorrow. Each chapter begins with an appropriate scripture passage and contains some reflective questions with space to do your journaling.
    Published in 2001 by Harvest House (Eugene, OR), this 188-page book sells for $9.99 (trade).

What Can I Do? By Barbara A. Glanz. As the subtitle says, this book offers “Ideas to Help Those Who Have Experienced Loss.” In this book the author, who has experienced numerous losses, tells exactly how to help someone we love survive a loss. She understands what people want and need from family and friends in their darkest hours. The book is filled with countless suggestions of immediate practical ideas as well as long term, specific ways to help someone move from grieving to growth, and eventually to cherishing good memories of the deceased loved one.
    Some of the 16 chapter titles are: Choose Your Words Carefully, The Blessing of Tears, Anticipate the Person's Needs and Offer Practical Help, Remember the Children, Share Good Memories, Celebrate the Life of the Person, Do Little Things that Add Joy to Someone's Day, Create Traditions that Keep the Memory of a Loved One Alive. The book includes a listing of resources (publications, organizations, websites, etc.) to further help the person in pain.
    From Augsburg Books (Minneapolis) in 2008, this 173-page book sold for $13.99 (trade cover).

What Will Help Me? by James E. Miller This unique little book (60 pages) is actually two books in one, both dealing with loss. The first 30 pages deal with 12 things to remember when you have suffered a loss; this section offers sensitive, assuring support for people who have experienced any kind of serious loss. It gives life-affirming ideas and instills honest hope.

     The second half is entitled, How Can I Help? and these 30 pages deal with 12 things to do when someone you know suffers a loss. This part provides specific supportive advice for family and friends as well as other caregivers.
     Published in 1994 by Willowgreen Publishing (219-424-7916), this book sold for $5.95 (trade).

When Grief Comes: Finding Strength for Today and Hope for Tomorrow by Kirk H. Neely, D.Min. In this book the pastor-author shares personal stories and practical information to help you understand each stage and phase of grief, whether it is the loss of a mate, a child, a pet, a parent or a job. He also suggests symbols of hope to assure you of God’s care and concern along the way.
    The seven chapters are divided into three parts. Part One helps us understand our journey through grief and how we come to terms with death. Part Two shows how we learn to grieve through a continuing series of attachments and separations. And Part Three points us to the gifts of grace and the symbols of hope that are ours through the faithfulness of God.
    From Baker Books (
Grand Rapids, MI
) in 2007, this 174-page book sells for $12.99 (trade cover).

When Will I Stop Hurting by June Cerza Kolf. This book provides helpful advice for those who are grieving over the loss of someone close. The advice is given in a manner which is both professional and practical. It offers creative ways of easing pain and depression. Sympathetic suggestions are given for handling holidays and dealing with insomnia, anger, guilt, and forgiveness. It also contains a helpful discussion of letting go of grief and finding out how healing occurs.

     From Baker House in 1987, this 57 page book sold for $3.95 (trade).

The Widower's Toolbox by Gerald J. Schaefer with Tom Bekkers. The book is about "repairing your life after losing a spouse," as the sub-title says. This toolbox is a valuable guide giving insights on how grieving widowers can identify and resolve those immediate, overwhelming issues following the death of a spouse. This book will help you move forward by suggesting planed acts of kindness as a way of reflecting on your wife. The author stresses that serving others can be a great healer.
The 41 chapters are divided into four sections: Picking Up the Pieces, Healing from Within, Giving Back to Others and Loving Again. Each chapter focuses on a different way you can be involved in making something good happen out of a sorrowful event. And each chapter concludes with some Instructions (like action steps) and a set of Journaling questions to prompt you to record your thoughts on certain issues.
    Published in 2010 by New Horizon Press (Far Hills, NJ), this 254-page book sells for $14.95 (trade cover).

Widows Wear Stilettos by Carole Brody Fleet with Syd Harriet, Ph. D. As the subtitle says, this book is "A practical and emotional guide for the young widow." It deals with taking ownership of the healing timeline, helping your grieving children, coping with family/friends who are insensitive and unsupportive of your widowhood, as well as learning how to return to a life of joy and abundance. The book also "dares" to discuss subjects such as dating, love and intimacy as well as such topics as fashion, beauty, diet and exercise, plus practical issues such as filing for government and life insurance benefits and how to transition financially after the death of a spouse.
    Some of the 15 chapter titles include: There's a Light at the End of the Tunnel, People Say the Dumbest Things, Thinking "Inside the Box," The "Business" of Widowhood, When Both Mommy and Daddy, First Love, Now You'll Have Closure, To Remarry or Not to Remarry, and Welcome to the Rest of Your Life. The book also includes insightful quizzes, journaling for thoughts and feelings, affirmations, "contracts," and other activities designed to help readers actually take the steps and see recovery in the process.

    Published in 2009 by New Horizon Press (Far Hills, NJ), this 223-page book sells for $14.95 (trade cover).

Will I Ever Be Whole Again? by Sandra P. Aldrich. In short, this is a book about survival and strength following the death of someone you love. It was written out of the author's own personal experience in the death of her husband. She is a living testimony that life does go on and writes to tell others how to pick up the pieces and move on. One of the things she shares in the book is that the grieving process varies from person to person and that it can be devastating to force the griever to make uneducated decisions or to hurry the emotions.
    The 13 chapters include these titles: Clowns Aren't Supposed to Die, "Donnie, You're Free!", Understanding Grief, Moving through the Grief, How to Help Others, Talking with a Child about Death, Coping with Normal Depression, Coping with the Death of a Child, Sound Financial Decisions in the Midst of Grief, and Facing the Future. The Simple Reminders at the end of each chapter provide short, summary statements to carry with you throughout the Day. And the helpful Study Guide at the end of the book can be used for support-group discussion or personal guidance as you work through the pain and toward future hope.
   From Howard Publishing (West Monroe, LA), this171-page book was published in 1999 and sold for $16.99 (hard cover).
Without A Man in the House by Wilma Burton. The author writes from her own experiences of what happens when your husband dies. It is for the woman who finds herself alone. It shares practical helps and friendly advice on coping with depression, grief, and loneliness through the comfort and joy that can be discovered in Christ.
     Published by the Good News Publishers in 1978 for $4.95 (pb) .

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